Letter from Adele Harms to Egon und Edith Schiele
Letter from Adele Harms to Egon und Edith Schiele Bild 1
Letter from Adele Harms to Egon und Edith Schiele Bild 2
Letter from Adele Harms to Egon und Edith Schiele Bild 3
Letter from Adele Harms to Egon und Edith Schiele Bild 4
Leopold Museum, Vienna
Nebehay 1979
Nicht gelistet/Not listed
Credit line
Leopold Museum, Vienna, Inv. 7571
15th May 1916 (handwritten)
Ink on paper
18,9 x 15 cm (page)

Vienna, 15th May 1916

Dear Did and Eg.! I pity you very much that again you will be forced to move. But the change there will not happen so soon. I would like to have visited you. Write me how long the journey is, perhaps I will then come very soon. I miss you both so much here! I think your jacket has still not arrived! Your H. [hat?] has been altered I washed and fixed the linen hat. I have obtained tobacco and cases I am just waiting for the tailor so I can send everything at once. But if it takes too long I will send the tobacco separately. What do you think can one put sample without value on it that costs 30, otherwise I would pay 72 h [hellers]. why give the post anything. Write me what you think about this. However there is no responsibility taken for consignments of value. Since we’re on the subject of money I want to tell you that your funds are already exhausted. Things are very turbulent here. Last week there were revolts against rising prices. I have heard that this has been happening in Berlin for the past half year. —The poor people came from Rudolfsheim and Ottakring via Mariahilferstraße and
wanted to get to Schönbrunn; but they were stopped by the police and the military. It was supposedly a very ugly scene. There was nothing about it in the newspapers, of course. — I heard all of this from Sturzl and Mayer who happened to be eyewitnesses. Sturzl says without exaggeration that children were crying loudly for bread. No wonder, here one can only get a half loaf. It is always the same miserable thing and tastes horribly of corn. One cannot get eggs anywhere either, the Consum only will sell you 9, if it has any at all. It is growing increasingly unpleasant! And another thing about the revolt. They bashed in the shop window at Del-Ka [shoe store] and looted it. In a flash all the security shutters on Mariahilferstr.[aße] were closed. They demolished the stands at Rudolfsheim Market. Oh, I forgive them this fury. From now on the doors of buildings in these districts must be locked at 8 o’clock so this does not happen again. Now you know what kind of group that was. Mayer was nearly hit on the
head with a stone. I didn’t want to express myself differently on an open postcard. Mayer told me among other things that she is having her picture painted by the woman who lives next to you. She is very surprised that she has to pose for this artist. I will ask her soon how it was. Since she supposedly is not interested in lesbian l.[ove]. She has suspicions about this. I remember our Mila, yesterday she celebrated with her Annchen no longer Annerl the first anniversary of their great love. Do you think they have slept together. How touching! — I read once that these things last one year at the most. So even this abnormality has its exception. While we’re on this subject I would like to ask you something. Does this certain something lie inside or outside. Pity that Egon’s anatomy is not here. I can’t find anything useful in the encyclopedia. Please write to me about this at H.[Hietzinger] Hauptstrasse 101. In exchange I will send you some fine anecdotes soon.

The blotches are concealed grease stains.
What are you two doing all the time? Are you having pleasant days. There is little sun here it rains very often. My mood is similar. My principal occupation now is shopping, I often run around the entire morning or I can wait and then often don’t get anything. Do you know what gives me a great deal of pleasure? I had my Lenau poems and Enoch Arden bound together in cloth, which looks very decorative. And when I have time I leaf through it and thus read and revel and languish through the spring. You know his atmospheric way of singing. For instance “Der Lenz hat Rosen angezündet an Leuchtern von Smaragd im Dom und jede Seele schwillt und mündet hinüber in den Opferstrom.” I think Weingartner set that to music. — Did, do you miss me very much …
Do you know who is pursuing me aside from … Frau Ehrenreich along with her daughter. She is enamored of me and really wants me to visit her. What do you think, should I do it; if one accepts it once, one is then committed. So adieu to both of you and write me often your
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2023: Leopold Museum-Privatstiftung (Ankauf)
Image credit
Leopold Museum, Vienna
PURL: https://www.egonschiele.at/2807